Ethan Beute | 10 years, 10K Videos – Here’s Why

So much business used to be done face-to-face, notes Ethan Beute, handshake deals and all that. The rise of digital technology and automation streamlined everything, but that human connection was lost.

Ethan, chief evangelist with video messaging service BombBomb and author of Rehumanize Your Business, is on a mission to change that and inject human contact back into the equation, which he says means more qualified leads and higher value sales… not to mention better onboarding, ongoing communication, and more. 

Technology is part of the process, of course, but simply as a tool to make communication easier.

In this episode, we talk about this “rehumanizing” of your messaging, as well as…

  • The power of getting “personal” with your best prospects
  • 5+ types of videos to use in your lead generation and marketing efforts
  • The only way of getting better at videos (or any other skill)
  • How adding this element to your emails increases clicks and conversions
  • And more

Listen now…

Mentioned in this episode:

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