No one ever thinks THIS will happen to them…
And neither did my client…
Until he found himself in the hospital facing gruesome surgery…
He was worried about his health, even his life, and what would happen to his business.
Have you ever laid awake wondering what would happen if you couldn’t go to work for a week, or a month, or, like my client, for four months?
In this episode of the podcast, I interview my friend and client John Curry, the very first interview he’s done since returning to work after a shocking health crisis.
This may just be the most impactful podcast you ever listen to. In the episode you’ll hear…
- Why your ability to make quick decisions under pressure is vital (and how to be at peace with even the toughest life or death decisions)
- How to approach a crisis situation, and why and how to build your crisis recovery team
- John’s WIRM technique to remain positive when most people would fold like a cheap suit
- And so much more…
Do not miss this episode…
Listen here or watch on YouTube.
Mentioned in this episode: