Podcast Episodes

The Podcast

Erik Luhrs | The Art of Less Doing

What does quantum physics have to do with growing your business? It has to do with energy… When your mindset is right, you can get exponential results while doing less than you’re doing right now.  Less doing… bigger results. My guest, Erik Luhrs, has used these principles to grow businesses by 600% and more. Erik … Read more

How to Write Your Million Dollar Book

The Million Dollar Book is live! I wrote The Million Dollar Book to give you a 30-day roadmap to creating your own lead-generating book that will produce 7-figures of revenue for your business. I’ve found that a book is the single best way to generate pre-sold clients for a high-ticket service… It works better than … Read more

A Book Launch Method for Immediate Results

My new book is coming next week… So today on the podcast, I’m breaking down how we launch books–The Inverted Viral Launch Method™. This is a simple formula that gets you almost immediate ROI for your book… And, sets you up for decades of results. The good news: you don’t have to get millions of … Read more

Adrian Chenault | Networking in 5 mins a day

Your network is a powerful asset… But it’s worth nothing if you don’t use it. Luckily, there’s a tool for this… With this tool, you’ll never forget details about people… And with just five minutes a day, you can keep up with your contacts… So you don’t miss opportunities by falling out of touch. This … Read more

There are many ways to build your authority in business, but the very best way is by authoring a book.

If you've had "write a book" on your bucket list for too long, why not join the next "Write Your Million Dollar Book"
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