Podcast Episodes

The Podcast

Steve Gordon | Inevitable Growth

What if landing your next 10, or 50, or 100 clients was inevitable? I just love that word… it’s as if achieving the goal has already happened. And that’s precisely the idea I talk about on today’s podcast. The idea of making your growth goals inevitable. See, I’ve been thinking about how to create a … Read more

Steve Gordon | The Curse of the Expert

What makes a potential customer choose your product or service? Your marketing efforts tell your prospects you exist and you have solutions they’re looking for.  But many business owners focus on the wrong thing in their initial marketing because they don’t understand the mindset of a buyer. In fact, they go after too broad a … Read more

Gregory Gray | Going From Business Owner to CEO

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day running of your business. But, says Gregory Gray, if you don’t think about the future and work towards it… all your efforts will be for nothing.  Because real sustainable growth can only happen if you’re clear on what you want and make an actual plan to … Read more

Bryan Falchuk | The Only Way to Solve Business Challenges

Many times, whether it’s at work, in your personal relationships, or in your business, you feel powerless. Things are going wrong—sometimes very wrong—and you can’t seem to do anything about it. Not so, says Bryan Falchuk. He shares some simple techniques that will help you recognize your influence and get back the power you actually … Read more

Steve Gordon | The Two Kinds of Prospects

You’re ready to grow your business—and that means more clients. But if you just go out into the world and are willing to take on anyone with money who will hire you… you’re going about it all wrong.  Sure, you might make some money in the short-term, but you won’t have sustainable growth.  Instead, you … Read more

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