Podcast Episodes

The Podcast

Nina Cooke | The Cure for Imposter Syndrome

When you’re struggling in business, whether you’re having trouble getting started or you’ve plateaued, the tendency is to blame yourself. But that way of thinking could be the root of the problem, says business transformation expert Nina Cooke. Until she adopted the right mindset, Nina struggled in her corporate career and as an entrepreneur – … Read more

Molly Grubb | The 2-Week Vacation Business Check-In Strategy

You start a business… you run it successfully for decades. But, asks Molly Grubb, what’s your exit strategy? The nightmare scenario – you get to the end and don’t have a sellable business or one you can pass on to the next generation. Molly helps people avoid that situation. Try this exercise: If you took … Read more

Scott Beebe | Setting Your Business GPS to Profit

You have goals for your business (hopefully). A good first step. Let’s kick it up a notch, says Scott Beebe, and create your vision. It’s the only way to get what you really want out of your business and your life. Scott, founder of My Business on Purpose, outlines seven things that you must consider … Read more

Jason Hsiao | The Best Way to Stand Out on Social Media

It’s clear that if you’re marketing products or services online (and who isn’t these days), video has to be part of your strategy, says Jason Hsiao, co-founder of Animoto, an intuitive video creation platform. And here’s why… Market watcher Tubular Insights has found that 64% of consumers make a purchase after watching a branded video. … Read more

Crazy (but simple) strategy to turn forgotten prospects into clients

In all of our work with clients, there’s a theme… And I believe it extends to virtually all businesses… The theme? That you’re sitting on, and ignoring a valuable asset in your business. Your existing database of prospects. The story of leads generated, then forgotten is an epic tale of missed opportunity and lost profit … Read more

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