Podcast Episodes

The Podcast

Steven Pemberton | Driving Client Conversions with Virtual Events

It’s time to finally convert all the fantastic leads on your list who haven’t taken the leap yet… The single best way I’ve ever found to generate a lead is a book… and for those leads that don’t convert immediately, the single best way to convert them into clients is with a virtual event. Think … Read more

Michael Chastaine | Free Your Time, Double Your Profits

How can you instantly increase your law firm’s profitability? Free up your time. When you delegate tasks, you increase your capacity for billable hours and can double your earnings… This is the difference between firms that can be sold and firms that will be impossible to exit. Michael Chastaine built a profitable private law practice … Read more

Jay Baer | New Research: The Link Between Speed and Profit

Time is the single most important element in customer experience… But most businesses don’t treat it that way. You might be losing opportunities you didn’t even know about because you were too slow. So how do you become fast enough for today’s consumers? Jay Baer is here to share key findings from his new research … Read more

The Unsexy Way to Profit from a Book

Warning… this is the unsexiest (is that a word?) way to profit from writing a book. But it works. Recently, I appeared on the Garlic Marketing Show to discuss The Million Dollar Book and shared this strategy that only requires $5 and a few minutes each day… Yet it gets your book in front of … Read more

David Newman | A Sales Process for People Who Hate “Selling”

Have you ever found yourself in the professional services sales trap? You know you have to sell to get clients, but you don’t like it… you want to focus on helping clients. And, the last thing you want to do is sound salesy… My guest David Newman has reframed the sales process for professionals to … Read more

There are many ways to build your authority in business, but the very best way is by authoring a book.

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