Podcast Episodes

The Podcast

Brennan Dunn | More Clients and Customers with Less Effort

As a freelancer or professional service provider you live and die by your clients. Problem is, you could be so immersed in the day-to-day work – and the rush to land new clients – that you aren’t really building a long-term, sustainable business. And you don’t have the chance to create a real plan for … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Developing Entrepreneurial Confidence

Something’s been really bothering me lately and until just a few weeks ago I couldn’t put my finger on it… I work with a wide range of business owners. Some with businesses in the multi-tens of millions of dollars in revenue. Others just starting and over the $100,000 mark. Some grow really fast, almost effortlessly. … Read more

Jeremy Weisz | No More Trading Time for Dollars

As a professional service provider – graphic designer, consultant, accountant, doctor, etc. – if you’re not one-on-one with a client or client project…you’re not making money, right? It doesn’t have to be that way, says my guest this week, Dr. Jeremy Weisz. He wants to help you stop trading time for dollars and multiply your … Read more

John Corcoran | Building Business Relationships for Bigger Profits

When the going gets tough, the tough… Get connected… When crisis hits–in business or in your personal life–the tendency is to withdraw. But you should actually be looking to your network to help you overcome setbacks. Succeeding in business is, at its core, all about relationships. If you’ve neglected your network. My guest, John Corcoran, … Read more

June Jewell | Are Your Clients Taking Advantage of You?

If you have a professional service firm… you can’t miss this one. Have you ever done a project and ended up making less than you estimated? Maybe even lost money? The project went off without a hitch. In fact, you over-delivered. It may be hard to believe… but that’s where you went wrong. June Jewell … Read more

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